Updated 10/30/2023
Admit Reason: Dialysis in Support of Transplant
- This Admit Reason should be used when providing ‘kick-start’ dialysis to transplant patients
- It does not discharge the patient from their Transplant Center
After the patient completes ‘kick-start’ dialysis, the facility can discharge them as one of 2 new discharge reasons:
Discharge Reason: Delayed Function Resolved following a Transplant:
- This is when dialysis support is no longer needed; transplant kidney works as expected
Discharge Reason: Delayed Function Unresolved following a Transplant:
- This is when dialysis support was not successful, and the transplant kidney fails to work
- If function is UNRESOLVED, the transplant center can then discharge the patient as Transplant Failed
- The Dialysis facility can then admit patient as Dialysis after Transplant Failed
After admitting as Transplant Failed --> Notify the Transplant Center and/or Network to change the Transplant Status to "Non-Functioning" so you can complete the Re-Entitlement 2728 Form (if txp failed after 3 years).