Updated 11/6/2023
The Transplant Editor Role can admit patients directly into EQRS!
FIRST SEARCH for the patient in EQRS:
- By Name and then by SSN.
- ‘Nicknames’ are not to be reported in EQRS.
CHECK the Admit Tab to see if there is ESRD history:
If patient had a prior transplant at your center:
- FIRST Discharge as Transplant in the US
- THEN change Treatment Status to Non-Functional
If patient had a prior transplant at your center:
ADMIT the patient in the Patient --> Admit Patient Tab.
- Using Transplant as the admit reason has been more effective than using 'New ESRD'
UPDATE the admit reason to NEW ESRD if there is no patient information/Treatment history in EQRS.
- Click on the Admit Date
- Click Edit
- Change the Admit Reason to New ESRD.
This will trigger the 2728 Form to appear.
Let the Network know if you have any trouble by submitting a REDCap Form: