Updated 12/19/2024
CMS requires facilities to report ALL "ESRD" patients in EQRS who treat in a U.S. dialysis facility or transplant center.
- If this is the patient's first time receiving treatment in the U.S. --> admit as New ESRD.
If patient has treated in the U.S. previously --> admit as:
- Transfer In (if returning from another country)
- or Restart (if patient Discontinued or Recovered Function before returning to another country).
- Enter Treatment information.
- Submit the 2728 Form as you would for any ESRD patient.
If patient leaves the U.S. --> discharge them as one of the following reasons:
- Other
- Transplant outside of U.S.
- If patient transfers to another facility in the U.S. --> discharge as you would any other ESRD patient. https://esrd.ipro.help/hc/en-us/articles/33114898369171-EQRS-Admit-and-Discharge-Reasons-IPRO-Resource
Submit a Ticket to the Network with any questions: https://esrd.ipro.help/hc/en-us/requests/new