Updated 1/9/2025
HARP is a secure identity management portal provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Creating an account via HARP provides users with a user ID and password that can be used to access many CMS applications.
Create a HARP Account: https://harp.cms.gov/login/login
At least two facility users should have EQRS access at all times.
Enter your profile information for Experian identity proofing.
*For EACH facility that you need EQRS Access...
Request EQRS Access https://eqrs.cms.gov/globalapp/
- Sign in with HARP Credentials
- See screenshot below: request EQRS [then QIP if needed] Access:
- Facility
- Patient Registry
- Search for organization (CCN or facility Name)
Select Role
- start with Security Official Role (this role approves other applicants)
- SKIP Facility Administrator Role (it is being phased out by CMS)
- Add
- Submit Request
- REPEAT for each Role you need for this facility
To learn more about requesting and managing roles in EQRS, review the HARP Quick Start Guide.
For questions to the Network, please submit a Ticket: https://esrd.ipro.help/
The QualityNet helpdesk is available here:qnetsupport-esrd@cms.hhs.gov, Phone: 1-866-288-8912.