- CMS Training (from 2020):
To submit a Ticket for Network assistance: esrd.ipro.help
Schedule an Appointment with the Network staff!
- https://calendly.com/mornings_one_on_one_support
- https://calendly.com/slyulkin/45min
- IMPORTANT: Use your work-email and work-phone number to schedule an Appointment
1. Log in to EQRS https://eqrs.cms.gov/ --> Facilities --> Form 2744
2. Select the correct Survey Year for the 2744 (the prior calendar year).
3. Select Survey Status: Existing.
4. Search for your transplant center.
5. Find your transplant center and click 'View.'
6. IMPORTANT: the 2744 will not show the most current data until you click EDIT --> Generate.
Do this each time you modify patient data from the 2744 survey year.
7. The 2744 shows the summary/total of all patients in the facility during the 2744 survey year.
Review each field to make sure it is showing accurate data.
Click Generate to refresh the data after updates are made to patient records.
Export the Report to see which patients are being counted in each field.
8. If you see discrepancies, run the Patient Roster Report and Patient Events Report to identify which patient records need corrections.
9. Enter the total number of patients awaiting transplant at your center in the 2744 survey year.
10. Click Generate to refresh 2744 data after correcting patient records.
11. Submit for Review if satisfied with the accuracy of the 2744.
12. Check the status of your 2744 to view the Reason why it may have been rejected:
2744 Status Types:
- Final: facility submitted, Network has not reviewed it yet
- Accepted: Network accepted the 2744 as done, will Finalize
- FINALIZED: Network has Finalized the 2744, facility is done for the year
- Rejected: Network rejected the 2744 for a research described in the 'Reason' section of the screenshot below
- Re-Opened: Help Desk reopened the 2744 at the Network's request, as per the facility's request
12. Open a FreshDesk Ticket to request Network assistance.
13. Schedule an Appointment with the Network staff!
- https://calendly.com/mornings_one_on_one_support
- https://calendly.com/slyulkin/45min
- IMPORTANT: Use your work-email and work-phone number to schedule an Appointment
- IMPORTANT: Include your CCN and Facility Name when scheduling an Appointment
Do NOT Submit with any ERRORS.
Instructions for requesting Network assistance are at the TOP of this guide.