Updated 3/5/2024
1. Log in to EQRS https://eqrs.cms.gov/ --> Facilities --> Form 2744
2. Select the correct Survey Year for the 2744 (the prior calendar year)
3. Search for your 2744:
Missing (if it has not been created yet); click ADD to create new 2744
Existing (if returning to work on 2744); click VIEW to enter an existing 2744
4. Check the status of your 2744 to view the Reason why it may have been rejected:
2744 Status Types:
- Submitted: facility submitted, Network has not reviewed it yet,
- Accepted: Network accepted the 2744 as done, will Finalize,
- FINALIZED: Network has Finalized the 2744, facility is done for the year,
- Rejected: Network rejected the 2744 for reason described in the Status Change Update in the screenshot below,
- Re-Opened: Network reopened the 2744, as per facility's request,
- Missing: Facility has not yet started the 2744.
Do NOT submit with any Errors!