Updated 9/4/2024
Facilities are instructed to maintain timely and accurate contact information with the Network, to receive important CMS updates, reminders, and invites.
To update your facility contact information with the ESRD Network:
PW: EQRS Facility_ID (included on all Cleanup Reports sent by the Network)
DELETE any records that are:
- Duplicates
- No longer at your facility
- Have typos
ADD or UPDATE any new KEY PERSONNEL joining your facility
- Transplant Center Administrator
- Transplant Center Coordinator
- Transplant Center Social Worker
- Transplant Center Medical Director
- Transplant Center Nephrologist
- Transplant Center EQRS User
- Transplant Center EQRS Transplant Editor Role
There CAN BE multiple people in the same Role!
There should NOT be the same person listed for ALL Roles.
Once you login, validate your facility demographic information is accurate. To make adjustment to personnel complete the following:
For additional assistance submit a ticket for support https://esrd.ipro.org/help